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AiroLift™ Demonstration Videos

Here are some videos that demonstrate a variety of material lifting applications that we can design and build for your unique production requirements.

AiroLift lift assist with end effector demonstrating inline and staggered lifting of six large cans
Full view AiroLift lift assist on a bridge crane: Airolift with clamping fixture for molds
Rigid AiroLift with a rotating / leveling vacuum system
AiroLift lifting device manipulating glass
AiroLift lifting device upending cylindrical object
Rigid AiroLift lift assist for lifting and upending truck hoods
Full view AiroLift lift assist on a bridge crane: Airolift with a multi pail lifting attachment
Rigid AiroLift with vacuum spreader bar, upender & rotating angle adjustment
AiroLift lifting device clamping heavy boxes
AiroLift lifting device for handling rolls and upending them
Full view AiroLift lift assist on a bridge crane: Airolift with clamping fixture for molds
AiroLift lift assist with a multi pail lifting attachment (outer cups are on a selector switch)
AiroLift lifting device for upending and inverting glass panels
AiroLift lifting device manipulating a door
AiroLift lifting device pail lifter and dumper
AiroLift lifting device panel flipper / upender

"Our lifting systems are designed with the operator in mind."

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